The Whistle, Blown

Silver Handcuffs Painting

“Silver Handcuffs” Kevin Schmidt x DALL-E-2

ith careful words, and hidden meanings Painted pictures, of what's worth seeing…


In a land, across the sea,

A foreign firm, so rich and free,

Was accused, by DOJ, its true,

Of crimes, that few, would dare to do.

Illegal payments, bribes, they made,

And cooked the books, profits to aid.

The avarice, a bottomless pit,

Ethics shattered, morality split

The actions, illegal, now exposed,

A level field, they were opposed.

The government's gaze, upon them, did fall

Their crime, in the light, now shown to all.

Years passed, and change was sought,

New faces came, but what was brought,

Was same old greed, and schemes so vile,

A company's heart, unchanged, all the while.

Despite some efforts, good and true,

To cleanse the past, and start anew,

The bad actors' taint, still stained the fold,

A culture shifted, but the heart still cold.


In a room, so hushed and drear,

Were secrets whispered in the ear,

A young hero, and managers two,

Met, to discuss, a matter new.

The air was tense, the mood was low,

With one manager, forbidden plans in tow.

The enemy’s design, he did spill,

Betraying trust, with treasonous skill.

The other manager, did grow mad,

His voice, a roar, that echoed bad.

He scolded the one, who brought, the files,

And warned, of the consequences, miles.

The hero stood, in the middle,

A witness to, the scene so fiddle.

His heart, it raced, his mind, in strife,

For he was torn, in moral life.


The enemy’s plans, again, before his eyes,

A thief in the light, had taken this prize.

A wrong, so great, that it shook the core,

Of the hero, who knew, what was in store.

Back to work, with hope in his heart,

He thought by speaking truth, he did his part.

Believing those above, would make it right,

And justice, would be served, with all its might.

He told his tale, to the powers that be,

But the response, was a cold and bitter breeze.

Like a bird, he thought he found, safe haven,

But to his surprise, cast out, he was forsaken.

Yet he stood tall, and brave, and true,

And told the truth, the whole world knew,

For justice, in the end, will always find,

And bring, to light, all deeds so blind.

Mea Culpa

In the pages, of the morning news,

A story, of corruption, one couldn't refuse.

A company, once proud, now brought to shame,

Exposed, for stealing, in a legal claim.

Amid the storm of news, so bold,

A chance to strike it rich, did unfold.

A scheme, so dark, yet right by me,

The chance to get paid, had come to thee.

The thought of wealth, it did entice,

And tempted me, with visions twice.

But then her voice, beside me spoke,

And all my doubts, she did provoke.

She whispered of, the guilt and pain,

That comes with wealth, obtained in vain.

And so I knew, I had to choose,

The right path, to bring me, peace and dues.

Alea Iacta Est

The hero now, in a basement dim,

With thoughts so deep, and spirit grim,

He plots and ponders, what to do,

A burden he bears, to see it through.

With ‘Em and ‘Pac, muses at hand,

He writes with fervor, what he has planned,

A protected exposure, to disclose,

The felonious behavior, we oppose.

He writes with care, each word so true,

His paragraphs, will bring what's due.

No backing down, the message sent,

“Lose Yourself”, be hellbent. 

Cathartic words, for all to see,

Act of honesty, had set him free.

Our hero, now ignited, with noble cause,

With his lawyer, Tarzan, the best there was.

Corruptio Optimi Pessima

In the boardroom high, the powerful meet,

With wealth and influence, their seats complete,

But whispers reached, those ears there,

Of wrongs committed, beyond repair.

They know the cost, of ill-gotten gain,

The right thing to them, might seem inane,

By hiding truth, in shadows deep,

Morality lost, they cannot keep.

They did the math, they weighed the score,

To hide the truth, they’ll close the door.

Morals lost, hearts black like coal, 

To chose the stock, over the soul. 


An engineer, once stuck in his place,

Of life no reason, just a steady pace.

But fire grew, within his heart,

The restlessness, would not depart.

A truth, he felt, he must unveil,

Then from his job, he would set sail.

His courage led him, to forsake,

The life he knew, the change to make.

He’s on the road, passport in hand,

He’ll journey on, the sea and sand.

His quest to find, a meeting ground,

Where the world and he, are to be found. 

Now he roams, with purpose and pride,

On a journey, for him to find,

Those like him, this world is holding,

With virtues prized, in life unfolding.


Go Confetti